Ten Signs That Deceased Loved Ones Give To Let Us Know They Are Around After our loved ones cross over, they are very anxious to let us know they are okay and are aware of what is going on in our lives. If we are not able to feel them around us, they will often give us signs that we cannot ignore. The person who is given the sign usually knows he or she is receiving a message from the other side. I always tell my clients that they do not have to look for signs - the signs will come to them. Ten Signs That Deceased Loved Ones Give To Let Us Know They Are Around The signs our loved ones give us most often are: Ladybug Ten Signs That Deceased Loved Ones Give To Let Us Know They Are Around They come through as an animal. Our loved ones are able to use their energy to go inside of an animal, such as a butterfly, ladybug , bird, or dragonfly - for a brief period of time. The animal does something it usually would not do, such as land on us, peck at our window, scream at us, e...
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